Advocating For The Elderly

elderly relations

Elderly Relations

Advocating For The Elderly
Florida Pooled Special Needs Trust
Our Mission Statement
A.F.T.E.R. wants to be an extension of your family and give you the peace of mind during a very difficult time with many difficult decisions ahead for both you and/or your loved one, as well as, your family.

Advocating For The Elderly Relations, Inc., known as "A.F.T.E.R.", is a Not-for-Proft Florida 501(c)(3) Corporation. As Administrator of a Florida Pooled Special Needs Trust, we offer another avenue for a financial peace of mind
to help improve and/or extend the quality of life of disabled individuals and frail elders.

Advocating For The Elderly Relations, Inc., known as
" A.F.T.E.R. ", helps extend the quality of life for Seniors
65 & older and/or disabled individuals which are in need of assistance to qualify for government benefits.
Pooled Special Needs Trust
also helps disabled children and adults under 65 who need to protect their current government benefits.
Pooled Special Needs Trust
also helps those individuals inheriting money who need
to preserve their current government benefits.

Advocating For The Elderly Relations, Inc., known as "A.F.T.E.R.", knows how difficult and daunting this whole process can be. To help with the process, we have outlined commonly asked questions for your reference. But best option is to schedule a call because addressing your concerns is important to us. Read More...